

payroll factoring

November 13, 2018

Four Reasons To Be Thankful For Payroll Factoring

What are you thankful for this year? People often think of their family, friends, and health. If you’re a business owner, there’s even more to be thankful for. This could include good employees, good customers, and a strong foundation. But we know it takes help and resources to create a successful business. Services such as payroll factoring help your business function and manage your concerns.

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UC Funding tree logo placeholder image

November 2, 2018

10 reasons to consider invoice financing over traditional lines of credit

10 Reasons to consider Invoice Financing (Factoring) over traditional loans or lines of credit. 1. EASIER: Factoring often requires very little set up, with access to cash for new clients in as little as 24-48 hours. 2. FASTER:  From application to funding, it can take 24 to 48 hours.  3. CHEAPER:  What? Really?! How can […]

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factoring company

October 2, 2018

What Is A Factoring Company?

There are many organizations out there claiming to help you better run your business. Get-rich-quick schemes and snake oil salesmen are everywhere. Your business is too important to risk with false claims or bad deals. But sometimes, you are in need of increasing your cash flow. You might feel like your only options are selling equipment, letting employees go, or taking out loans. Before you take any of those steps, learn more about what a factoring company can do for you.

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small business factoring loans

October 2, 2018

How A Small Business Uses Factoring

The first thing you need to know about factoring loans is that they are technically NOT loans. At least, not they’re not the loans you think of when you think of banks and student debt and mortgages. Traditional loans require tons of paperwork, monthly installments, and collateral. They also charge (sometimes exorbitant) interest rates. And that money can add up over time. It’s not uncommon to see the interest payments outpace the actual loan amount.

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small business invoice factoring

September 5, 2018

5 Reasons Your Small Business Needs Invoice Factoring

As a small business owner, you face dozens—if not hundreds!—of challenges and decisions every day. Taking advantage of growth opportunities feels impossible without the funding to support it. You know and appreciate the saying “you have to spend money to make money.” But you can’t even spend your own money because it’s tied up in accounts receivables! What’s a small business owner to do?

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payroll factoring - selling accounts receivables leads

August 2, 2018

Payroll Factoring: How Selling Your Accounts Receivables Leads To Success

From time to time your business can find itself in need of more cash flow. This is true whether you’re a multi-million-dollar company or a new startup. Maybe you’re ready to expand with new equipment. Or you want to increase marketing, but your money is tied up in invoices waiting for customer payment. Selling your accounts receivables is a risk-free way to increase your liquid capital.

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selling receivables

August 2, 2018

How Selling Receivables Can Help Your Business Thrive

“It takes money to make money,” as the adage goes. This can be especially true if your business is new or growing quickly. Unfortunately, it’s during these situations when cashflow can be tight. Take a look at your books, do you notice a big chunk of your money tied up in accounts receivables? Selling these invoices to a third party frees up your capital so you can take your business to the next level.

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selling receivables b2b b2g

July 1, 2018

The 2018 Guide to Selling B2B and B2G Accounts Receivables Successfully

If you’re not careful, you can pretty quickly find yourself being sucked into selling your B2B and B2G AR or “receivables” to the wrong company. The relationship that exists between you, the one selling receivables and the company that’s buying them is one that is crucial–you have to get it right if you expect them to produce results for you.

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small business factoring

June 5, 2018

Small Business Factoring: How It Works & Why You Need It

Factoring is the process of selling your invoices to a company like United Capital Funding in order to get up to 80% of their value almost immediately. This gives companies, especially small businesses, the flexibility they need in order to thrive. That means no more worrying about whether you’ll make payroll or whether you can afford to cover the next time equipment breaks down. If you have invoices in-hand, we can help.

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payroll factoring security companies

June 5, 2018

Payroll Factoring For Security Guard Companies

One of the most important parts of a company is their employees. Without them, it would be difficult to operate. Every company wants to make sure that their employees are happy and taken care of and are compensated accordingly. While this is a good intention, sometimes those middle of the month pay dates can be difficult if you’re still waiting on invoices from your customers. Paying your employees on time is important and you want to make sure to keep your company operating smoothly. That goes double for security guard companies.

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