When your business is strapped for cash, it might seem like taking out a loan is your only option. Loans have a long approval process and charge you interest when you go to pay them back. Luckily there’s a better way to get cash for your business in the short term without having to take out costly loans. United Capital Funding can help turn your unpaid invoices into working capital in no time. It might sound complicated but that’s why we put together this guide to selling receivables in 2018.
Get Approved
Instead of waiting through the long approval process it takes to get a loan, you can get working capital within a few business days. Loans can be very costly with fees and interest. Our approval process is 24-hours so you will know as soon as possible if you are able to take advantage of this service. We do not charge a bunch of hidden fees and we make it very simple to get the funding you need. You can start this process on the phone or by requesting a quick quote. Call United Capital today to see if you qualify for this service.
Selling Receivables
After the approval process, United Capital Funding essentially buys your accounts receivables and gives you a percentage of them. We take over trying to get them paid and when they are paid by your customer, we take out a small fee and give you back the rest. That way you get some working capital for your invoices instead of considering them a complete loss. This can help you pay your employees and cover costs.
Get Funded
Once you get funded then you are able to use the money for whatever costs you need them for in your business. You can pay employees, cover overhead costs, and you don’t have to worry about the invoices anymore. United Capital Funding helps you sell your receivables and turn them into something that you can actually use to move forward with your company. It is a lot less hassle than a loan and it enables you to steer clear of unwanted fees and interest payments. Saving you money in the long run!
Let United Capital Funding Help You
We want to help your company with its financial needs and that’s why United Capital Funding always puts their customers first. Give us a call today at 877-894-8232 or get a quick quote to start the approval process and get funding within days!