WEBINAR: Cyber Security & Covid 19 – Cyber threats escalate while the world is most vulnerable

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While businesses are focused on reopening their doors and implementing recovery plans, cyber attacks are escalating.  Sophisticated thieves are looking to cash in on your data which could totally derail your recovery.  

Please join us for a live Q & A featuring Brian Waltermire, CEO of Asgard Managed Services, a New York-based disaster recovery firm.  We will discuss the current environment and identify easy steps business owners can take to protect themselves and their businesses. 

About Brian Waltermire

Brian Waltermire is both a thought leader in the world of IT security and the founder and CEO of Asgard Managed Services. His experience at several New York City hedge funds sparked his foray into the world of IT security because he saw how the world was changing from sharing everything on social media to one of privacy and resiliency.

Through his leadership Asgard became the first managed security provider to license and deploy the Gabriel Secure Domain Name Technology and has spoken on numerous public engagements about the benefits of this resilient networking platform. Asgard continues to be a leader in security implementations and currently manages the largest network of Secure Domains for the health care industry.